
Rose is a convergence coach who helps stressed healthcare professionals connect with, and channel their passions in creating thriving businesses. This helps them gain time and financial freedom. 

After working as a midwife for 25 years and in elderly care in the later part of her nursing career, Rose has seen many people come into and exit the world. She knows that the regrets people voice at the end of their lives are the opportunities they never accessed and doors they were too afraid to enter.  Rose believes there’s greatness on the inside of every person and it can be easy to get stuck in a job at the expense of following one’s dreams. In her work she guides you in how to get past the bottlenecks into doing what you love, with people you like, and be renumerated for the quality you bring.

Rose is a certified coach/trainer with the John Maxwell university and as a speaker with the London School of Public Speaking.  She also has leadership experience both in nurse management and pastoral work. 

Outside of the passion of coaching, Rose loves travelling, has been to several countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and America. She has two things in her bucket list, to climb Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, and do a US state to state road trip with her best friend.

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